“Our Vision is to cultivate a cutting edge sporting institution where high performance and success are demonstrated across all aspects of each athlete we work with.”

Our Mission

‘Like the phoenix here at Phoenix Sporting Academy, we take sports people on a unique journey, igniting their dreams through the power of sport. With unrivalled access to world class clubs, coaches and facilities we can take young players from schools and clubs on an extraordinary sporting journey.’

The Phoenix

A Phoenix is a powerful, giant, mystical, supernatural bird. It has been a lasting mythological icon for millennia and has existed in many cultures.

The representation of the death and rebirth by this mythical creature seems to resonate with the aspirations of humanity.

Phoenix Symbolism

Everybody is familiar with the idea of the Phoenix - a bird that rises from the aftermath of fire from its ashes.

It symbolises rebirth and eternity and is also representative of hope. In fact, it has generally become a symbol any kind of renewal that, with it, brings a period of happiness and good fortune.

Phoenix Significance

In your dreams the Phoenix can give you the courage to face certain situations that you make facing in your life.

Rebirth. Transformation. Eternity. Immortality.